My son is 12 years old and suffers from growing pain. On top of that he carries a heavy backpack every day. He is pretty active, swimms and bikes. Can osteopathy help? Concerned mom Dear loving mom, Growing pain often occurs in the upper part of the legs as well as behind the knees. The …
Should clumsy two-year old see an osteopath?
I have been asked by several parents a similar kind of question: “My child (2) is so clumsy, it falls a lot. Should it bring it to see an osteopath?” concerned, loving parents Dear Loving Parents, No need to worry. Your child is just right and it is having great progress during these times. It …
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How to have a normal pregnancy?
It seems that experiencing a normal pregnancy these days is moreover the exception than the rule. The reasons? I leave it open to the public to ponder about it. Here is the interview with a women who experiences a very normal first pregnancy. She reports about minor obstacles she had to overcome. And how she, …
Cranial osteopathy explained
L’ostéopathie peut-elle aider aux victimes d’une commotion cérébrale? Apprennez ici ce que les ostéopathes font pour travailler sur les commotions cérébrales. De plus, je remerci beaucoup à tous pour la participation dans mon étude des commotions cérébrales ainsi que pour avaoir référé des sujets! J’évaluerai les donnés pour savoir si l’ostéopathie a un effect sur …