Congratulations on your baby. It should be doing well and happily growing and eating. Parents recently asked me when to bring the baby to an osteopath? Before I answer this question, let me tell you what osteopathy is: it is a manual therapy which aimes to resolve blockages and tensions in the body and thus …
Improve your health with three simple tricks
Relaxing, sleep and breathing are three of the corner stones of a healthy and stress-free life. Read more about their benefits in this post.
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Osteopathy helps babies with asymmetry, a study says
New parents are as desperate as Lancelot facing the dragon without a sword: the baby does not sleep, eat, or cries a lot. But wait parents, there is hope! A new study shows that osteopathy helps your baby feel better. Sorry, Lancelot, we didn’t see your sword though.
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Health comes with the Apples!
It is important to me that you take care of your health even if you do not come to see me for an osteopathy session. That's why I give you some information about one of our favourite local fruits, which we can find all around Montreal at this time of the year. Let's have a look at the benefits of apples.
Osteopaths release tensions in the body. But how do you know that you have tensions, and that they need to be released? Learn what you should look out for
The fascia tissue makes sure that your body is held together well. Without it, your muscles would have the consistency of tartar
The fascia tissue is the secret glue holding your body together. And it has another fascinating ability which may leave you speechless
Imagine the fascia tissue as a t-shirt. When your t-shirt is pulled, it gets tight somewhere. Osteopaths find the source of pulling in the fascia and release it
So,what is it about all those tensions in the body?
Are the tensions real or a marketing thing?
Making decisions is hard for you? Your gallbladder may need some attention
The gallbladder is situated under the lower edge of the liver, on the right side of the body. It produces the bile, a product your body needs to digest the food (especially fat) when it arrives at the duodenum. Many people have stones in the gallbladder, in some individuals those stones can lead to blockages …
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