My clients often agree with me that it is beneficial for them to move more. Those who take care of their health by doing sports regularly report tremendous positive side effects. They sleep better Their mood improves They experience less pain They recover faster Some of them just had babies, some of them are working …
Mois d’enfant | Month of the children
Mois d’enfant | Month of the children
Happy New Year et bonne année! En Janvier, les enfants entre 0 à 10 ans reçoivent un traitement gratuit en ostéopathie. Prenez le rendez-vous!
Try these exercises to tone your butt
These are the first two exersises out of a series giving you some inspiration on how to tone your butt muscles. In this video you are going to learn the Triangle and the Flash. ***Pratiquez les asanas de façon prudente; la pratique est la responsabilité à vous-mêmes. En cas de doute consultez un médecin s.v.p. …
Wondrous facts about the body you did not know
A mysterious backpain
A young woman in her 20s contacted me because she had back pain. The examination showed that the pain was not located in the spine but moreover on the right side towards the lower ribs. When I saw her she had already been in pain for four days, and the pain had not yet diminished. …
My favorite asana to stretch the back
***Pratiquez les asanas de facon prudent; la pratique est la responsabilité à vous-mêmes. En cas de doute consultez un medecin s.v.p. +++ Exercise the asanas safely and on your own responsibility. In case of doubt please consult a medical doctor.*** Stretch your lower back, your rib cage, waist and shoulders