The liver is the organ of detoxification and metabolism. It synthesizes vitamins, minerals and certain hormones so that they can be provided for the cells of the body. This organ is the most volominous one in the human body. It produces the bile acid which is stored in the gallbladder. The acid contains the toxins the liver has detected and eliminated, those toxins will leave the body via the digestive tract.
The liver is in close relationship with the gallbladder, the spleen, and the hypophysis, as well as the thyroid gland.
Its highest activity is from 1 am to 3 am. its lowest activity is between 1 pm and 3 pm. If you feel tired and your performance drops constantly during that time in the afternoon, your liver needs more support. If, on the other hand, you regularly wake up at night between 1 and 3 am, better care of the liver is likewise recommended.
The liver can have a pathological state which includes hepatitis, a liver cirrhosis, inflammation and hemorrhoids and fatty liver. Inflammation either reduced the production of bile acid or blocks the flowing away of the acid. It causes trouble with the gallbladder, further, the stool gets lighter and the urine darkens. A cirrhosis of the liver can be caused by an abuse of alcohol, medication or hepatitis. Then, the healthy tissue will be transformed into scar tissue. Consequences are hemorrhoids, hormonal problems, bleeding of the esophagus complete loss of the liver function. Fatty liver has nothing to do with an intake of too much fat, it is related to a wrong nutrition. Liver problems don’t make themselves realized most of the times. The problems that arise are diffuse and non-specific: light nausea, the light pressure under the right rib cage. Hepatitis symptoms such as fever, headaches, tiredness, pain in the articulations, digestive troubles, later on, hepatitis appear. See a medical doctor, when: – you have symptoms, especially when you drink alcohol often |
Holistically, the liver stands for dissociation
The liver is the organ of change and renewal from a physical and psychological perspective. Medication, the products of metabolism, certain hormones and environmental toxins strain the liver. If the liver function is restricted, it is expressed in tiredness and fatigue.
The main function of the liver is to keep the blood and the body juices in a constant flow and also, to regulate emotions. It turns toxins into non-toxines. The liver suffers when the individual has the feeling to be emotionally or physically exploited. The liver is the organ of dissociation. In early childhood development, it is important for the child to dissociate itself from the parents, that process starts during the so-called terrible-two-phase. If the style of the parents is too authoritarian, these children later have troubles to live a self-determined life. On the other hand, if the style is too laisser-faire, the child has troubles recognizing itself because no limitations are there to help it define itself, causing interpersonal conflicts and problems. Hyperactivity is a sign of inner restlessness and troubles to define its own self. Structure, well-defined limits and a daily routine help to give security to those kids. The strongest word to define oneself it the word “no”. Individuals with a difficult time to say no have higher inflammation readings and a tendency for overweight. For them, lerning to set healthy boundaries is essential.
In traditional Chinese medicine, the point between the eyebrows represents for the liver. A sharp perpendicular fold between the eyebrows is connected to the liver.
The liver energy, which is produced in overwhelming amounts during stress, rises into the head and can be felt as tensions in the shoulder region, the neck, eye and in some types of headaches. These forms of discomfort are mostly felt on the right side.
What can I do for my liver?
- the liver does not like cold drinks and foodit love
- the organ loves a warm water in the morning and the evening.
- The liver is
- the detoxification organ, so the intake of food plays a preventative role to protect the liver. The nutrition should be individually composed for each person.
- avoid alcohol
- lots of motion and light sports help to de-stress and keep the head free
- relaxation
Hints, your liver needs you to do more for yourself
- pain in the right shoulder or shoulder blade
- pain on the right side of the neck
- pain in the right temples
- restless legs
- everything seems too much
- itchiness and swelling in the genital area
- problems with the cycle
- aggression (against others or oneself)
- trembling articulations
- bile stones
- cysts, myomas, impotence
- herpes
- tired eyes
- fragile nails
- tinnitus
- winds
- feeling full
- sudden deafness
- lost joy
- no appetite
- clouding of the lens
- dry eyes
- macular degeneration
- circulatory problems in the eyes
- inflammation of the eyes
- swelling of the breasts
- irregular cycles
- cysts
- fibroids
- painful menstruation
- endometriosis
- declining potency
- decreasing sexual desire
Plants to support the liver
Carduus marianus
What can osteopathy do for you?
In every session, osteopaths will examine your liver. They will conduct osteopathic tests to determine if the liver is in harmony with the other organs and the glands. If the liver can be pinpointed as one of the reasons for your troubles, certain maneuvers will be applied to release tensions from the liver and to rebalance the tissue. Osteopathy helps you to strengthen the organ and to keep the organism as a whole in a healthy condition.
The maneuvers will only be applied when the person does not have acute liver problems or a pathology of the liver. In these cases, you have to consult a doctor. Osteopathy cannot repair damaged tissue or undo a pathology.
Lothat Ursinus: die Organuhr leich erklärt
stadapedia: https://www.stada.de/service-gesundheit/stadapedia-lexikon/l/leberbeschwerden.html
Michio Kushi: your body never lies
Ohashi: Körperdeutung