Imagine the fascia tissue as a t-shirt. When your t-shirt is pulled, it gets tight somewhere. Osteopaths find the source of pulling in the fascia and release it
So,what is it about all those tensions in the body?

Are the tensions real or a marketing thing?
Thanks to your referrals, I can help a good cause
Thank you my dear clients for the referrals over the past years. You helped me to help your family members, friends, and co-workers. It means a lot to me! At this point, allow me to share with you a wonderful thing that has happened due to your trust. Thanks to many referrals on the Facebook …
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This post will make you thirsty!

Read this if you want to learn more about the benefits of drinking water. Like most of us, you may see your body as being consist of toes, arms, the organs, eyes, the brain, and so on. It is true. But the compound element, which brings all of it into existence, is water. More …
The liver: organ of renewal, change, and dissociation

The liver is the organ of detoxification and metabolism. It synthesizes vitamins, minerals and certain hormones so that they can be provided for the cells of the body. This organ is the most volominous one in the human body. It produces the bile acid which is stored in the gallbladder. The acid contains the toxins …
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Making decisions is hard for you? Your gallbladder may need some attention

The gallbladder is situated under the lower edge of the liver, on the right side of the body. It produces the bile, a product your body needs to digest the food (especially fat) when it arrives at the duodenum. Many people have stones in the gallbladder, in some individuals those stones can lead to blockages …
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Th’is a reason why you should *at*least*try*to* get a good night sleep

For some readers, it will not be possible to put into practice what I lay out in this blog post. The reason is that they just became parents. For those who think they can prepare themselves for the lifestyle of parents to a newborn by partying and sleeping late, forget it. Believe me, being a …
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What is it with us women?

Several years back my mother introduced me to the book “Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom”, by Christiane Northrup. The book appeared first in 1994. Northrup, an OB/GYN physician, gives insights into the female soul and mind and how they are mirrored in the body. The most surprising thing for me was, that in the early 90 …
Snacks supporting your thyroid gland

One of her new books my mother had presented to me recently is called “Thyroid Healing”, by Anthony Williams. In his several books which he has written, he strongly recommends focussing on plant-based food to nourish the body instead of eating meat and processed foods. He also favors fruits over vegetables, because the glucose is …